Where should sensors be mounted?
There are several factors that need to be addressed before a location can be determined. The relative weight of the target gas is important, gases that are heavier than air should be mounted closer to the floor, gases lighter than air can be mounted near the ceiling. Sensors should be generally mounted near the potential source and where airflow would contain the maximum concentration of target gas. The location should also take into account accessibility, the sensor will need routine calibrations and periodically replaced. Moisture, dust, and vibration should also be addressed when selecting a sensor location.
How long will a sensor last?
Sensor life has a direct relationship to exposure of target gas. The greater the concentration and frequency the sensor is exposed to target gas the less life expectancy the sensor will have. Typically, Electrochemical gas sensors will have a life expectance of no less than two years. Infrared sensors tend to have life expectancies upwards of 5 years. Catalytic Bead and Thermal Conductivity sensors usually have a minimum three-year life expectancy.
How often should a sensor be calibrated?
Sensors should be calibrated quarterly or when there is believed to be an issue with sensor accuracy. Regular calibrations ensure accuracy and life expectancy.
Do the detectors operate out of the box?
All CONSPEC detectors are factory tested and calibrated the day of shipment. Some detectors require a warm-up time after being powered. Typically, the warm-up time is minimal.
Does CONSPEC offer installation of the detection system?
CONSPEC does not provide installation services. We recommend having a certified electrical contractor perform all installations. Installations should follow all applicable National, State, & Local codes.
Does CONSPEC offer on-site training and support?
CONSPEC has factory certified field technicians available to visit site locations or support and training sessions. We also offer over the phone support Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST.
Should I purchase direct through the factory or through my local Representative?
Purchases can be made through the local Representative or through the factory at 1-800-487-8450 x204.
Are Credit Cards accepted?
Credit Cards are accepted. Terms can also be arranged after the completion of a Commercial Credit Application.

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